◗◗real stories, real success


Dive into the experiences of our users and see how momencio has been instrumental in redefining the landscape of event engagement and lead management. From increased engagement rates to seamless lead capture, our customers have seen it all. Read their testimonials and imagine what momencio can do for you.


what our customers say

momencio testimonial universal lead capture

Gizzy O’ Toole

Events Marketing Director - Rajant

Event engagement on another level
with momencio, event/field marketers can take charge of their events, engage attendees in new and exciting ways, and achieve remarkable results.

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Ashland gamification - momencio event engagement- gamification at events

Scott Dautel

Global Business Manager - Ashland Inc

This unique approach outshines the conventional, transforming our booth into a beacon of excitement and interaction. The energy generated through our games draws unparalleled attention, setting a memorable benchmark. Attendees are not just visitors; they become part of an unforgettable experience, ensuring they’ll reach out for years, making it truly one in a million.

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Scott Storrer momencio

Scott Storrer

President & CEO - Affinity eHealth

The use of momencio at a tradeshow is absolutely a game-changer. It gives you a second hook at your prospects, minutes after they have left your booth. Imagine them at a competitor’s booth, looking at their phone and thinking about your company. That’s gold.

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Share Your Success Story: We invite you to add your own review and inspire others with your achievements using momencio.

◗◗empower your event
management efforts

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